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Question   Greetings
Hi Stacey - visited and browsed your images, am wowed - lovely!!!

- Adam-Telluride xx September 28, 2015

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Question   Hello from Monty's!
Hello! It was a pleasure waiting on you and your friend, and I love the card. Thank you for it!

- Benjamin Hinkel July 10, 2015

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Question   I am enjoying the Whooper.
I had the pleasure of meeting Stacey at, An Evening with the Cranes 2015, I now own the shot she did of the wonderful Whooping Crane, "Skinny Dip." I have the perfect spot for it to hang. I very much enjoy your photos.

- Tracy Thomas June 23, 2015

  Answer Dear Tracy,
I am thrilled that you won the bid for "Skinny Dip" at the International Crane Foundation's "Evening with the Cranes"! I would so appreciate you emailing a picture to me of "Skinny" hanging in your home.
Highest Regards,
Stacey Meanwell

- Stacey J. Meanwell  June 24, 2015

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Question   Speechless
Your work is OM-azing. You are well traveled! Impressive inside and out.

- Meg Cates January 16, 2015

  Answer Dear Meg,
Thank you very much for your kind feedback. I am, indeed, very blessed to have seen as much of the world as I have. It never gets old. Every country has its own personality...

- Stacey J. Meanwell  June 24, 2015

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Question   Images
Looking at the location images Stacey has made give me a great sense of 'place'. Phenomenal job Stacey. Very much enjoyed surfing your gallery and hope to get down to Tamarack to check out your current images.

- Bob Richardson November 24, 2013

  Answer Coming from you, Bob, I take that as a very serious compliment! Your work at CPM just pulled me in. Great work! Stacey

- Stacey J. Meanwell  November 24, 2013

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Question   impressed

- jessie walker October 24, 2012

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Question   Beautiful Photographs
It was wonderful meeting you at Overture the other day. Your photos are beautiful. Amazing work. :)

- Rebecca Curran October 14, 2012

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Question   Impressed!
I had the pleasure of sitting in front of Stacey on a plane ride the other day and was taken by her enthusiasm, humor & joyful spirit. It's contagious! When I realized her photography skills I had to get connected & have a look. To say the least, I am impressed & if you take the time to look at some of her work and/or get to know her, you'll be impressed too!

- Tom Walker September 14, 2012

  Answer Dear Tom,
I didn't realize I was gushing quite so loud on the plane. I do get pretty excited about my photography! Thank you for taking the time to give me your very kind feedback!

- Stacey J. Meanwell  October 08, 2012

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Question   Photo feedback/reactions
Thank you, Stacey, for sharing these wonderful photographs. I have only looked at a few galleries (of favorite places) and am looking forward to seeing more soon. It was great meeting you at our CPM women's luncheon last Friday.

- Ann Marie Waterhouse May 13, 2012

  Answer It was my pleasure to meet you, Anne Marie! I'm glad you are enjoying my galleries.

- Stacey J. Meanwell  June 21, 2012

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Question   Love these!
Total WoW Stacey!!!! Very fun to look at each and every photo here! I can feel like I'm traveling just in the looking! You have a great eye, excellent composition, and a knack for capturing the many jewels around this amazing world! Keep at it sweet woman!

- StarLight Tews March 06, 2012

  Answer What a nice compliment. Thank you very much, StarLight! I added more flowers to Flora last night.

- Stacey J. Meanwell  March 06, 2012

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Question   I am FLOORED!!!!
Stacey, your photos are flabbergasting! I went gallery by gallery, hoping the photos would never end. The colors are magnificent, and the looks on the faces of those lizards were absolutely fabulous. I am literally sitting here with my mouth agape!

- Diane Kliebard Silverberg November 12, 2011

  Answer Wow. What a fabulous comment! Thank you very much!

- Stacey J. Meanwell  November 25, 2011

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Question   excellence in photography
How do you currently market your work? Would you be interested in working with us at Integrated Art Group?

- Liese Pfeifer April 28, 2011

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Question   Flora Portfolio
Magnificent photographs! I found you as a result of your review of the Canon 180 Macro on B&H website. As a result of your results, I am ordering one!! Thanks!

You are very talented. I look forward to more of your macro work to study!

- Donald Matthews April 05, 2011

  Answer Have you enjoyed your Canon 180 Macro as much as I have? I just got the 100 Macro with IS and I LOVE IT!

- Stacey J. Meanwell  June 21, 2012

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Question   WOW
Gday Stacey,i too followed your canon macro 180L link from bhphoto and what incredible photo's.I recently purchased a 60D and I like doing a bit of macro,you have truely inspired me.Sincere thankyou's for sharing your gift.Amazing.

- Viv Wilson April 04, 2011

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Question   Macro
Very nice work. I read a review and thanks for posting a link to your site in it. (BH 180L macro).
I like your mixing of colors in your photography, and your eye for patterns. You seem to prefer natural lighting, which I also like. You eye seems very well developed, from the small to large depth of field. The diversity of your work is very nice.

- Mark Gilmore June 02, 2010

  Answer I'm not easily impersesd but you've done it with that posting.

- Trish Trish  January 08, 2012

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Question   You inspire
I saw your feedback on a lens and had to come take a look at your gallery to see what you saw...

Your pictures are amazing, I was ooohing and awwing so much that my husband came over to see what all the excitement was about.
I hope to someday achieve your sense of direction, clarity, substance and overall feel of my subjects.
Thanks for sharing,

- Stephanie Moran April 01, 2010

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Question   Thank you!
I was feeling sad and a few little birds lifted my spirits! Thank you!

- Oliver Stitch January 05, 2010

  Answer Heck yeah this is eaxtcly what I needed.

- Becky Becky  January 07, 2012

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Question   Amazing
I can't decide what I like better..everything is so incredible-just like you! They need to be in a gallary because they are even more amazing big!

- Michelle Oyamada December 11, 2009

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Question   Beautiful Pictures

You are a very, very talented lady. Your photos are absolutely beautiful. Enjoyed looking at them again today.

- Margaret Vradenburg  December 07, 2009

  Answer Dear Margaret,
Thank you for your very kind words. I'm very pleased you enjoy my photos.
Stacey Meanwell

- Stacey J. Meanwell  December 07, 2009

  Answer Unparalleled accuracy, uneuqviocal clarity, and undeniable importance!

- Cash Cash  January 08, 2012

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Question   National Geographic
Hey mom, I've been showing your photos to all of my friends and the response is always along the lines of "These look like they're in National Geographic!" or "Has your mom tried to enter any National Geographic contests?". Mom, you are incredible, and you owe it to yourself to show your talent.

- Sarah Meanwell September 14, 2009

  Answer Hats off to wheoevr wrote this up and posted it.

- Vicki Vicki  January 07, 2012

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